Thursday, January 23, 2014

Punxy Phil is Getting Ready for is 'wake-up' call . . .

"'Will he see his Shadow - or - Will he not see his Shadow?', That is the question . . . ."

Yes, February 2nd is the traditional day when Mr. PP gets to 'tell us' about Spring's weather arrival.

AS tradition continues, the most popular rodent resident of Punxsutawney, Pa gets to predict when our Spring-like weather will appear.

AND Mr P, has been doing this for the past 128 years.  Quite a long-standing tradition!  And the tradition goes like this:

If Phil sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted 6 more weeks of winter-like weather.  If Phil does not see his shadow, he has predicted an "early Spring."

I think that we all this year would like to see an early Spring in the NE! 

What do you think?  "Will he or Will he not - that is the Question!"  THINK SPRING !!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Water Harvesting

'Water Harvesting' . . . A great way to save and reuse water.

Here in the NE, we are experiencing one of the coldest winters in 20 years.  

With 'Winter' comes snow, ice and cold temperatures.  

Why then should we think about 'Water Harvesting?'  

A 'Water Harvesting' System
'Spring' starts March 20, 2014 

We must remind ourselves during these cold - dark days, that eventually . . 'Spring' arrives.  

When this article was written on January 22,  'SPRING' was only 55 days away.       

With 'Spring' - comes rain, planting and more even more rain.  

By installing a 'Water Harvesting' - rain barrel, you can "Go Green" without too much trouble or expense.    

Several years ago my wife and I visited our family in the mid-west and came across a practical 'Water Harvesting' system that can help schools, businesses and homeowners with their water cost and help cities with their water conservation plans.  Green Energy Initiatives would like to help you conserve water.  If you need additional information, please contact us via this blog.

Green Energy Initiatives is always on the lookout for new water saving ideas and solutions to environmental problems.  

We would like to 'hear' from you.  What are some ways you are conserving our precious 'water' resource? 
Please comment on GEI's blog.  
Thank you and 
'Think Spring!'

Monday, January 20, 2014

2013 Water Withdrawal Reports due

Hello GEI Clients . . . Just a reminder, your water withdrawal reports are due at the end of January.  If you need assistance with your reports, please contact us at 888.483.3312.  Thank you, GEI Staff

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Welcome NEW YEAR 2014 . . . New Sanitary Plant Services

GEI LLC is now providing Sanitary and Waste Water Plant Services. With over 60 years of combined operating and industrial experience, GEI LLC is now staffed with certified operators (WV) and offers Sanitary Plant water services that will benefit 'private property' homeowners with their Sanitary Plant operations.
GEI's 'basic' Sanitary Service Package includes: monthly inspections, sanitary plant water sampling / analysis, follow up reports, chlorine and d-chlorine testing and NPDES Permit electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) as required for our clients. Call us today at 888.483.3312 x 103 for a complimentary Sanitary Site Visit.

green energy initiatives llc: Welcome NEW YEAR 2014 . . . New Sanitary Plant Ser...

green energy initiatives llc: Welcome NEW YEAR 2014 . . . New Sanitary Plant Ser...: GEI LLC is now providing Sanitary and Waste Water Plant Services. With over 60 years of combined operating and industrial experience, GEI L...